4 webinars for marketing your program to applicants

Since the pandemic, higher education institutions have realized just how important digital marketing is to reach potential applicants. We’ve created a free, four-part webinar series to help programs like yours connect meaningfully with other programs and potential applicants.

You’ll learn:

  • which social platforms are best for outreach and community-building
  • how to use paid advertising to amplify your message
  • tips and tricks for launching email marketing campaigns
  • how to save time with social campaigns using automated tools
  • ways to update and leverage your professional LinkedIn profile to build your brand, showcase your program, and connect with the broader academic and admissions communities.

Watch and master key digital marketing skills

Marketing in admissions part I:
Social media 101 and how to use twitter

Marketing in admissions part II:
Email tips and tricks / starting the social conversation

Marketing in admissions part III:
Social media tools and analytics

Marketing in admissions part IV:
All about LinkedIn

Did you like these webinars? Check out our other webinar series at Altus Academy