students taking Casper test

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How Open-Response SJTs Reflect Nuances of Social Intelligence and Professionalism

The Research Team at Acuity Insights recently published a new paper in Frontiers in Medicine,…

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How ChatGPT is Disrupting Higher Education Admissi...

ChatGPT has raised questions about personal statements' credibility and curiosity about its effect on Casper…
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Comparing open and fixed-response situational judg...

Medical school admissions are in dire need of reform, but any changes need to avoid…
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Are situational judgment tests like Casper vulnera...

Situational judgment tests (SJTs) like Casper are gaining popularity in educational and employment settings, as…

students in lecture hall

What admissions factors are associated with academ...

While research shows that applicants’ GPA is associated with academic success, particularly in more technical…

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What is compassionomics and why does it matter to ...

Forty seconds of compassion can save a life. This is one of the conclusions drawn…

Applicant writing a personal statement

Why personal statements in academic admissions are...

Because the kind of information collected through personal statements varies, there is a limited amount…
woman sitting on couch and looking excited while reading a letter

How situational judgment tests can benefit your ad...

No single selection process is perfect, so having multiple filters is the best way to…
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Measurements for the success of assessment tools p...

Just because a score is replicable does not mean it is measuring what we want…
Teacher helping young girl with homework

A comparison of situational judgment tests and per...

SJTs minimize the element of subjectivity by incorporating multiple stakeholders in the evaluating process and…
Close-up view on conceptual keyboard - Reliability (blue key)

Measurements for the success of assessment tools p...

The concept of reliability is a fundamental psychometric measure of the reproducibility of assessment results.…