Kelly Dore headshot

Kelly Dore

Co-founder and VP, Science and Innovation

Dr. Kelly Dore is a cognitive psychologist with a PhD in Assessments and Higher Education. She is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Depart of Medicine, Division of Education &
Innovation at McMaster University and is also Co-Founder, VP of Science and Innovation, and Board Member at Acuity Insights. She is the co-creator of Casper, the most widely-used
situational judgment test in higher education. She also co-developed the Duet assessment and supports innovation across all product lines at Acuity. She has worked with hundreds of
programs across higher education globally, bringing together insights and evolving the way we think about applicant, program, and student success. With the Lazaridis ScaleUp
Program and the Council of Canadian Innovators. Innovation Governance Program under her belt, Kelly also sits as one of the Directors of Innovation Factory, a business accelerator,
dedicated to helping businesses based on Ontario, Canada, launch, scale, and succeed. She is a widely published author and international speaker of repute.
