students taking Casper test

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How Open-Response SJTs Reflect Nuances of Social Intelligence and Professionalism

The Research Team at Acuity Insights recently published a new paper in Frontiers in Medicine,…

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Medical student speaks with young patient

Standardizing Skills: How EPAs Ensure Residency Re...

The world of medical training is rife with jargon and acronyms, and among them, the…

CBME approach to medical education

CBME: Designing for the outcomes you want

The most important part of embarking on a new data-centered project is having a clear…

CBME approach to medical education

Advancing the discussion about a CBME approach to ...

It is widely recognized that faculty development is one of the biggest challenges when implementing…

EPAs helping med schools through covid

The critical role of EPAs during a global pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated drastic changes in medical education. As noted by Suzanne Rose in…

Implementing CBME

Key takeaways from ICBME Webinar series

We’re all in this together While both of the CBME (competency-based medical education) webinars in…

What's in an EPA

What’s in an EPA?

I’ve read two interesting and practical articles about entrustable professional activities (EPAs) recently. The first article gives…

Understanding the impact of assessing EPAs

Understanding the impact of assessing EPAs

While I was still managing evaluation and assessment for an internal medicine residency program, my…