Articles on Casper in Peer-Reviewed Journals

  1. Mahmood, F., Oguntala, J. O., Henoud, C., Pierre-Louis, L. L., Fuad, A., & Okafor, I. (2023). The CASPER preparation program innovation: increasing self-perceived competence and confidence of underrepresented applicants on the novel CASPER Snapshot and CanMEDS roles. BMC Medical Education23(1), 1-7.
  2. Gustafson, C. E., Johnson, C. J., Beck Dallaghan, G. L., Knight, O. R. J., Malloy, K. M., Nichols, K. R., & Rahangdale, L. (2023). Evaluating situational judgment test use and diversity in admissions at a southern US medical school. Plos one18(2), e0280205.
  1. Groene, O. R., Knorr, M., Vogel, D., Hild, C., & Hampe, W. (2022). Reliability and validity of new online selection tests for midwifery studentsMidwifery, 106, 103245.
  2. Barber, C., Burgess, R., Mountjoy, M., Whyte, R., Vanstone, M., & Grierson, L. (2022). Associations between admissions factors and the need for remediationAdvances in Health Sciences Education, 27(2), 475-489.
  1. Juster, F. R., Baum, R. C., Zou, C., Risucci, D., Ly, A., Reiter, H., Miller, D. D., & Dore, K. L. (2019). Addressing the diversity–validity dilemma using situational judgment testsAcademic Medicine, 94(8), 1197-1203.
  1. Yingling, S., Park, Y. S., Curry, R. H., Monson, V., & Girotti, J. (2018). Beyond cognitive measures: Empirical evidence supporting holistic medical school admissions practices and professional identity formationMedEdPublish, 7(274), 274.
  2. de Visser, M., Fluit, C., Cohen-Schotanus, J., & Laan, R. (2018). The effects of a non-cognitive versus cognitive admission procedure within cohorts in one medical schoolAdvances in Health Sciences Education23, 187-200.
  3. Zou, C., McConnell, M., Leddy, J., Antonacci, P., & Lemay, G. (2018). Comparison of the English and French versions of the CASPer® Test in a bilingual populationMedEdPublish, 7(281), 281.
  1. Dore, K. L., Reiter, H. I., Kreuger, S., & Norman, G. R. (2017). CASPer, an online pre-interview screen for personal/professional characteristics: prediction of national licensure scoresAdvances in Health Sciences Education22, 327-336.
  2. Shipper, E. S., Mazer, L. M., Merrell, S. B., Lin, D. T., Lau, J. N., & Melcher, M. L. (2017). Pilot evaluation of the computer-based assessment for sampling personal characteristics testJournal of Surgical Research215, 211-218.
  1. Dore, K. L., Reiter, H. I., Eva, K. W., Krueger, S., Scriven, E., Siu, E., … & Norman, G. R. (2009). Extending the interview to all medical school candidates—Computer-Based Multiple Sample Evaluation of Noncognitive Skills (CMSENS)Academic Medicine84(10), S9-S12.

Conference Presentations on Casper and Duet

  1. Moskowitz, J. B., Yan, W., Ho, J. L., Robb, C., MacIntosh, A., & Sitarenios, G. (2023, April 12-15). Projecting validity and reliability for a shortened unidimensional test [Poster presentation]. National Council on Measurement in Education, Chicago IL, United States.
  2. MacIntosh, A., Walsh, C., & Bulut, O. (2023, April 12-15). Utilizing NLP techniques for collecting validity evidence for a situational judgment test [Conference presentation]. National Council on Measurement in Education, Chicago IL, United States.
  3. Leduc, J. M., Vohl, P., Béland, S., Gagnon, R., Bourdy, C., Renaud, J., S., Bourget, M., Ouellet, A., Chétrit, E., Razack, S., & Mortaz Hejri, S. (2023, April 12-18). Performance of Canadian medical school applicants taking the Casper test in both English and French: Deux, c’est mieux? [Conference presentation]. International Congress of Academic Medicine, Québec City, QB, Canada.
  4. MacIntosh, A., Mangardich, H., Pan, X., & Goodell, K. (2023, April 13-16). Incorporating a constructed-response situational judgment test in a medical school’s holistic review [Conference presentation]. American Educational Research Association conference, Chicago IL, United States.
  5. Roberts, M. R., Alves, C. B., & Chen, F. (2023, April 13-16). Ongoing validity evidence for the use of Casper in occupational therapy program admissions decisions [Conference presentation]. American Educational Research Association conference, Chicago IL, United States.
  6. Henning, C., Chapman, R. I., MacIntosh, A., Sitarenios, G., & Parker, D. A. (2023, June 23-25). Elite performance on a text-based situational judgment test for medical school admissions: Relationships with emotional and social competency [Poster presentation]. Canadian Psychological Association conference, Toronto ON, Canada.
  7. Forthcoming. Henning, C., Chapman, R. I., MacIntosh, A., Sitarenios, G., & Parker, D. A. (2023, August 26-30). Elite performance on a text-based situational judgment test for medical school admissions: Relationships with emotional and social competency [Conference presentation]. International Association for Health Professions Education, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
  8. Forthcoming. Ivan, R., MacIntosh, A., Bulut, O., Shin, J., Musolino, G. M., Traywick L., Salmh, P. A., & Condo, M. (2023, October 13-15). Ethical AI in health professions education: Co-creating an ethical framework to ensure responsible AI use [Conference presentation]. Education Leadership Conference, Philadelphia, PA, United States.
  9. Forthcoming. Ivan, R., MacIntosh, A., de Ruig, M. J., James, D., Standokes, L. P., Traywick, L., Bringman, D., Musolino, G. M., Fox, J., Salamh, P. A., Maher, S. F., Pardo, V., & Condo, M. (2023, October 13-15). Survey holistic admissions: A qualitative study across six different DPT programs [Conference presentation]. Education Leadership Conference, Philadelphia, PA, United States.
  10. Forthcoming. Dore, K., Watters, C., Ivan, R., Sitarenios, G., & Reiter, H. (2023, October 19-21). Rethinking program-applicant “fit”: A defensible way to include alignment in holistic review during residency selection [Conference presentation]. International Conference on Residency Education, Halifax NS, Canada.
  11. Forthcoming. Rothnie, I., Dore, K., Sitarenios, G., Newton, L., Rigby, L., & Reiter, H. (2023, October 19-21). Validity evidence for the interpretation and use of SJT scores for selecting Australian specialist medical trainees [Conference presentation]. International Conference on Residency Education, Halifax NS, Canada.
  12. Forthcoming. Robb, C., Dore, K., Sitarenios, G., & Reiter, H. (2023, October 19-21). Enhancing equity in the GME selection process: Altering response format to reduce demographic differences [Conference presentation]. International Conference on Residency Education, Halifax NS, Canada.
  1. Walsh, C., MacIntosh, A., Bulut, O., & Shin, J. (2022, March 21-25). What are we measuring?: A topic modelling framework to map professionalism aspects to responses in a Situational Judgment Test [Poster presentation]. Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, Virtual.
  2. Watters, C. (2022, April 21-27). Evidence for equitability of the Casper test structure: Measurement invariance across gender and ethnicity [Poster presentation]. American Educational Research Association, San Diego CA, United States and Virtual.
  3. Woodson, M., Hussin, A., & MacIntosh, A. (2022, April 21-27). Evaluating medical school admissions screening measures to promote diversity while relating to future clerkship performance [Conference presentation]. American Educational Research Association, San Diego CA, United States and Virtual.
  4. Jama, N., & MacIntosh, A. (2022, April 21-27). Impact of racism and micro-aggressions on the mental health of U.S. health professions higher education [Roundtable discussion]. American Educational Research Association, San Diego CA, United States and Virtual.
  5. Roberts, M. R., Alves, C. B., & Chen, F. (2022, April 21-27). Validity evidence for the use of Casper in admissions decisions within an occupational therapy program [Conference presentation]. American Educational Research Association, San Diego CA, United States and Virtual.
  6. Robb, C., Sitarenios, G., Dore, K., Yong, C. A., Derby, J., Davidson, H., & Reiter, H. (2022, April 23-26). Improving fairness and equity in a Situational Judgement Test: An alternate response format [Conference presentation]. The Canadian Conference on Medical Education, Calgary AB, Canada and Virtual.
  7. Yan, X. W., Cristea, K., Béland, S., Bourdy, C., Gagnon, R., Loye, N., Bourget, M., Carrier, M., Labrie, C., Renaud, J., Gauthier, I., Ouellet, A., Razack, S., Chétrit, E., & Leduc, J. ( 2022, April 23-26). Who is underrepresented? A portrait of medical school applicants in the province of Quebec [Conference presentation]. The Canadian Conference on Medical Education, Calgary AB, Canada and Virtual.

Peer-Reviewed Publications by Acuity Research Team

  1. Akbari-Kamrani, M., Mortaz-Hejri, S., Ivan, R., & Yousefi-Nooraie, R. (2023). Social dynamics of advice-seeking: A network analysis of two residency programsTeaching and Learning in Medicine, 1-10.
  2. Mortaz-Hejri, S., Ho, J. L., Pan, X., Park, Y. S., Sam, A. H., Mangardich, H., & MacIntosh, A. (2023) Validity of constructed-response situational judgment tests in training programs for the health professions: A systematic review and meta-analysis protocolPlos One18(1), e0280493.
  1. Mortaz-Hejri, S., Ivan, R., & Jama, N. Assessment through a cross-cultural lens in North American higher educationFrontiers in Education, 7:1012722.

  2. Chatterjee, A., Dunleavy, S., Gonzalez, T., Benson, J., Henault, L., MacIntosh, A., Goodell, K., Witzburg, R., & Paasche-Orlow, M. (2022). Health professions school applicant experiences of discrimination during interviewsMedical Teacher, 1-10.
  3. Sitarenios, G. (2022). Short versions of tests: Best practices and potential pitfallsJournal of Pediatric Neuropsychology, 8, 101-115.